Announcement: Travel Channel featuring Copper Scroll

Tune in today at 12pm (CST) for a program called Secret Worlds on the Travel Channel.  This series is featuring the Copper Scroll Project with Jim Barfield. Shelley Neese, managing editor for TJCI, covered the dig last April in Israel and has written several articles published in The Jerusalem Connection and The Jerusalem Post.  These…


Islam and the Left: two sides of the same coin

by Sultan Knish On the surface of it they seem to have very little in common. The left claims to be progressive, embraces gay bars, abortions, feminism, worker’s rights civil rights, multiculturalism and obscene slogans. The Islamists throw acid in women’s faces, hang gays on every streetcorner and repress minorities and freedom of expression. This…


Netanyahu Faces Nation: We Can't Pay 'Any Price' for Shalit

by Gil Ronen, As the march by First Sergeant Gilad Shalit’s family and supporters neared Jerusalem, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took a step Thursday to preempt public pressure on him and gave a clear statement of his policy on freeing terrorists. In a live news conference, Netanyahu said that Israel agreed to free 1,000…


Turkish Rally for Flotilla Raises Flag with Nazi Symbol

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Turkish supporters for flotillas aimed at breaking Israel’s maritime embargo on Hamas-controlled Gaza recently raised the Nazi flag with an expression of gratitude. The Turkish language slogan on the flag is a common expression of gratitude, according to the Religion for website. Turkey was not allied with the Nazi…


Israeli Minister: Christians and Jews in the same boat

by Israel Today Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya’alon on Saturday declared that Evangelical Christians and Israeli Jews are “in the same boat” and need to work more closely together to overcome their shared obstacles and enemies. Ya’alon was speaking at the 2010 Epicenter conference in Philadelphia. Epicenter is an annual Evangelical gathering focusing…
