Netanyahu Shines in Speech to Congress

BY ROBERT SPENCER, FRONTPAGEMAG— The most riveting moment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s much-applauded address to Congress on Tuesday was his declaration that “the hinge of history may soon turn, for the greatest danger of all could soon be upon us: a militant Islamic regime armed with nuclear weapons.” He was speaking of Iran,…


How Obama has empowered Netanyahu

BY DANA MILBANK, JEWISHWORLDREVIEW—  Lawmakers gave Binyamin Netanyahu 59 rounds of applause as the Israeli prime minister addressed a joint meeting of Congress Tuesday. But more revealing was the whisper I heard while watching the speech from the House gallery. It came as Netanyahu repeated his rejection of the notion, floated by President Obama last…


Obama 'Clarifies' 1967 Border Demands

BY RICK MORAN, FRONTPAGEMAG— In a speech to the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) on Sunday morning, President Obama tried to offer some clarification to his remarks on Thursday at the State Department where he stated that “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps,…


Israelis slam Obama's dangerous peace policies

BY ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli officials on Sunday had harsh criticism for US President Barack Obama a day after he sided with Arab “peace” demands and strongly suggested that Israel is the obstacle to peace in the region. In a televised foreign policy speech last Thursday, Obama stated that “the borders of Israel and Palestine should…


Statement by PM Netanyahu on address by US President Obama

BY THE PRIME MINISTER’S BUREAU— Israel appreciates President Obama’s commitment to peace. Israel believes that for peace to endure between Israelis and Palestinians, the viability of a Palestinian state cannot come at the expense of the viability of the one and only Jewish state. That is why Prime Minister Netanyahu expects to hear a reaffirmation…


U.S. Republicans disappointed by Obama's Mideast speech

BY NATASHA MOZGOVAYA, HAARETZ— Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor expressed disappointment Thursday in regards to U.S. President Barack Obama’s Mideast policy speech, saying he failed to propose a serious plan for achieving Mideast peace. “Today, the President outlined his hopes for Mideast peace – a goal that we all share – but failed to…
