Will an attack on Israel be viewed as an attack on the US?

BY ED KOCH, JPOST BLOG— Israel is now surrounded by Arab and other Muslim nations who believe this is the moment when they can finally destroy the Jewish state. They tried and failed to conquer Israel in five different wars since 1948. They are still trying. Since the “Arab Spring” revolts in the Arab heartland…


Ros-Lehtinen Introduces United Nations Reform Bill

U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today introduced the United Nations Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act (H.R. 2829), which places conditions on U.S. funding to the UN in order to achieve long awaited reform at that body. “We need a UN which will advance the noble goals for which…


Iranian cyberwar

BY ILAN BERMAN, DEFENSE NEWS— Does the Islamic Republic of Iran pose a cyber threat to the United States? On the surface, the idea seems far-fetched. Squeezed by sanctions over its nuclear ambitions, suffering from widespread social malaise and weathering unprecedented divisions among its leadership, Iran hardly seems an imminent threat to the U.S. homeland…


Israeli embassy in Jordan on high alert

BY GLOBES— Arab media sources report that Jordanian security forces have increased security around the Israeli Embassy in Amman, in the wake of Saturday’s attack on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. The Jordanian authorities want to prevent a similar incident. A media report said, “Two armored vehicles and extensive deployments of Jordan security forces were…


Netanyahu: 'Israel Will Stand By Peace'

BY CHANA YA’AR, ARUTZ 7— Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told reporters in a statement Saturday night in Jerusalem that Israel will stand by the peace treaty with Egypt, and thanked the United States for its assistance in persuading Cairo to take action in protecting people at the Israeli embassy following an attack. “The attack on…


Revealed miracles and Divine protection in Manhattan

BY EYTAN KOBRE, JWR TODAY— I arrive at Hatzolah’s Flatbush headquarters on a brightly sunny August day so very much like the morning of September 11, 2001. I’ve always felt that that day of horror, now seared into the collective consciousness of humanity simply as “9/11,” was somehow made all the more terrifying by the…


Rep. Walsh introduces legislation to defend Israel

Today, Congressman Joe Walsh introduced a resolution supporting Israel’s right to annex Judea and Samaria in the event that the Palestinian Authority continues to press for unilateral U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood. It anticipates the General Assembly vote on recognition of Palestinian statehood scheduled for September 20. The resolution coincides with a bill being introduced…
