Israel-Lebanon war will be over natural gas

BY ISRAEL TODAY— Israel and Lebanon have become embroiled in a legal and diplomatic battle over rights to undersea natural gas fields that could potentially turn violent. Dispute over natural resources has long been a catalyst for war, and few would be surprised if Lebanon’s dominant Hizballah terrorist militia used this latest quarrel as justification…


Iran's atomic daydreams

BY GAVRIEL QUEENANN, ARUTZ 7—  Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khameni has ordered the revolutionary guards to “immediately” proceed with the completion of an atomic bomb with hopes of a test in 2012, Iran Press News reports. The order includes testing and arming of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload, according to sources inside the…


Abbas' breaking point

BY ILAN BERMAN, THE NATIONAL INTEREST—July 11, 2011 What could Mahmoud Abbas be thinking? The soft-spoken Palestinian Authority president, now in his seventh year in office, has never been known for the kind of political brinksmanship that characterized the rule of his predecessor, PLO leader Yassir Arafat. And yet, recent months have seen Abbas’s government…


Mideast quartet to include Obama's 1967 formula in new peace push

BY BARAK RAVID, HAARETZ— The foreign ministers of the Middle East Quartet will be meeting today in Washington and are expected to release a statement endorsing U.S. President Barack Obama’s May 19th speech on the Middle East, which called for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on the borders of a future state based on…


U.S. chaplains vetted by Muslim who condemns "Jewish trickery"

 BY BOB UNRUH, WORLDNETDAILY— A man portrayed as a prominent Islamic scholar who has run a program to vet Muslim chaplains for the U.S. military has written an anti-Semitic column that condemns Jews for trying to make the rest of the world “subvervient” and explaining that he is able to see this “trickery” because of…


Pro-Palestinian activists plan week of protests in W. Bank

BY YAAKOV LAPPIN AND TOVAH LAZAROFF, JPOST— Pro-Palestinian activists plan to hold protest events across the West Bank this week, starting in the Aida refugee camp north of Bethlehem on Sunday and ending in Jerusalem on Friday. It’s the second phase of the “Welcome to Palestine” campaign, in which foreign activists flew to Ben-Gurion Airport…


Walking in Jesus's Footsteps along the Galilee's Gospel Trail

BY ELISA MOED, TRAVELUJAH— Eduward has been in Israel for three months, living in Jerusalem and volunteering for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, before he made his first trip to the Galilee. Like many tourists, the Galilee was not at the top of Eduward’s list of things to do. However, after an invitation to walk…


PA to Apply to Security Council Next Week for UN Membership

BY DEBKA STAFFERS— On Wednesday, July 6, the Palestinian Authority notified the Obama administration that early next week it would file with the UN Security Council a request for admission to the United Nations as a full member recognized as an independent state within the 1967 borders. But debkafile’s Washington sources report the US had…


Stuffed tomatoes

*The word for tomato in Hebrew is “Agvania.”  The root of the word is to love or desire.  Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, did not like this word selection for tomato.  He thought it was too sensual and insisted on the more Semitic word for tomato, “badura.”  However, in a rare occurrence Ben-Yehuda did not win the linguistic battle.  People in…
