Should Israel make her move now?

By RON JAGER— In recent weeks and months, public leaders and leading journalists affiliated with the settlement movement have called for annexing and incorporating all of Judea and Samaria into Israel. In response to the chaos and weakness of the Arab nations surrounding Israel and the preoccupation of the Western world with the ongoing genocide…


Syrian Rebels Seize Border Crossing to the Golan Heights

By SKYLAR SCHMANSKI, inCONTEXT— Syrian rebels temporarily seized control of the Quneitra crossing between Israel and Syria on June 6, spurring Austria to withdraw all of its 380 peacekeepers stationed in the Golan Heights. Vienna attributed its decision to vacate the buffer zone, where international forces have been stationed since the 1974 armistice, to the…


The Two-State Solution Was Tried 91 Years Ago

By VICTOR SHARPE, ARUTZ SHEVA— In 1920, Great Britain was given the responsibility by the League of Nations to oversee the Mandate over the geographical territory known as Palestine with the express intention of reconstituting within its territory a Jewish National Home. The territory in question stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the eastern boundary…


Sunni-Shiite divide in Syria may spark wider Middle East war

By RICK MORAN, AMERICAN THINKER— Lebanon’s mulch-religious society has become a tinderbox since Hezbollah, who dominates the government, announced their military assistance to President Assad in Syria. But the Sunni-Shiite divide in Lebanon is only a microcosm of what is occurring elsewhere in the Middle East. The two major sects of Islam, never at peace…


Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood hold ‘March to J'lem’

By ARIEL BEN SOLOMON, JPOST— The march began after Friday prayers at the Rabaa Al-Adawiya mosque led by Salah Sultan, secretary-general of Al-Azhar’s Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. Culture Minister Alaa Abdel-Aziz took part in the rally and Prime Minister Hesham Kandil was to attend, according to Sultan. Marches were planned for the Palestinian territories,…


Israel's existence disproves christian replacement theology

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— In an article published in a local Israeli newspaper around the time of Israel’s 65th Independence Day, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Har-Noy puzzled over the fact that there are still so many Bible-believing Jews who refuse to celebrate the Jewish state’s modern rebirth. “Perhaps these dear Jews missed the words of…


"Settlements" are on solid ground

By DANI DAYAN, THE GUARDIAN— Catherine Ashton, the EU’s high representative for foreign affairs, is a vocal critic of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria. Referring to them as “settlements”, she claimed last week that they “threaten to make a two-state solution impossible” and called on Israel “to immediately end all settlement activities beyond…


Shame on Germany for boycotting Jews

By MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— In a throwback to its darkest past, the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by…


New Palestinian PM signals return to days of Arafat

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas this week appointed a new Palestinian Authority prime minister to take the place of the ousted Salam Fayyad, a respected, US-educated economist that the international community fought long and hard to keep in the position. The new Palestinian prime minister is Rami Hamdallah, a mild-mannered academic…
