The Ayatollahs’ clear and present threat to the USA

By Yoram Ettinger— 1. The tyrannical Ayatollah regime – oppressing Iran’s majority – is driven by a megalomaniacal ideology, clearly reflected by its K-12 curriculum, brainwashing Iran’s youth for full commitment to the “divine battle” against the US, “the Great Satan,” the “infidel” Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews, Baha’is, Kurds, Azerbaijanis, etc. 2. The Ayatollahs’ super-ideology…

Jordan as Palestine: A paradigm shift for a two-state solution

By Moshe Dann, JNS— The problem with “the two-state solution”—creating a sovereign independent Palestinian state west of the Jordan River—is that a Palestinian state already exists east of the Jordan River; it’s called Jordan. Its population is predominantly “Palestinian,” and it is located in the eastern part of what was once called “Palestine.” Demographically and…

Iran Lied

By Gary Bauer— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an extraordinary address today to his nation regarding the status of Iran’s nuclear program. Not only was Netanyahu speaking about the existential threat confronting Israel, his remarks come at a time when war (whether from Syria or Gaza) could breakout at any minute. Just as French…