Where in the world is the worst place to be a Christian?

Country Total population Christian population Christian % Country Total population Christian population Christian % North Korea 25.2m 300,000 1.20% Like everyone else, Christians in North Korea must worship the nation’s leader, and belonging to another religion makes you an enemy of the state. Thousands of Christians are imprisoned, and many have reportedly been tortured and…

Palestinian Authority: “Jerusalem never had a Jewish Temple”

By Rachel Avraham, Jerusalem Online— As Jews around the world mourned the destruction of the First and Second Temples on Tisha B’Av, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that the Palestinian Authority has systematically denied that such a temple ever existed. PA Deputy Minister for Jerusalem Affairs Salwa Hadib proclaimed: “Jerusalem is not only a religious…

Tish B’Av

By Olive Tree Ministries— You don’t have to be Jewish to realize that the world may be sitting right on top of a major moment of biblical prophecy of significant proportions. In keeping with that understanding, maybe this is a year for Christians to sit with the Jewish people and accompany them in mourning and…