Israel's anti-Obama

by George Will, Washington Post Two photographs adorn the office of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Together they illuminate a portentous fact: No two leaders of democracies are less alike — in life experiences, temperaments and political philosophies — than Netanyahu, the former commando and fierce nationalist, and Barack Obama, the former professor and post-nationalist.…


Is Obama Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Arab and Muslim World?

by Larry Elder “It’s conceivable,” said then-presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, “that there are those in the Arab world who say to themselves, ‘This is a guy who spent some time in the Muslim world, has a middle name of Hussein, and appears more worldly and has called for talks with people, and so…


Chelmite Trips Over Truth

In a recent interview that appeared on the Jewish Web site Tablet, Israeli President Shimon Peres made several comments about the British. “In England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab,” he said. Peres gave several examples of this historical pro-Arab, anti-Israel bias, noting how England had abstained in the 1947 U.N. Partition Resolution, had…


Lebanon's crisis strikes discord in Palestinian Gaza

by DEBKAfile Beirut is caught in a vice between pro-Iranian and pro-Syrian factions over the Saudi move to pull Syria away from its support for the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah and Tehran’s counter-moves. In Palestinian Gaza, debkafile’s military sources report, this conflict is reflected in the strains breaking surface between the ruling Hamas, whose political secretary…


Israeli archaeologists discover rare 2,200-year-old gold coin

by The Associated Press Archaeologists say they have uncovered the heaviest and most valuable gold coin ever found in Israel.    The 2,200-year-old coin weighs an ounce (28 grams) and was found at the Tel Kedesh site near the Lebanon border on June 22, according to Wednesday’s statement from the antiquities authority. It said this coin…


Christian students to defend Israel abroad

by Knesset lobby recruits Christian ‘ambassadors’ to counter pro-Palestinian campaigns against Israel on overseas campuses. ‘When you send a Jewish student, they immediately say he’s not objective,’ explains MK Yoel Hasson In recent years, more and more Israeli politicians lecturing in universities abroad have had to deal with disturbances stirred up by pro-Palestinian students,…
