US believes Israel may soon attack Iran

 Ryan Jones — ISRAEL TODAY A senior American military official on Friday told CNN that the Obama Administration is “absolutely concerned” that Israel may soon strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. The official insisted that the US itself has no intention of attacking Iran (though other reports suggest otherwise), and said there is no guarantee Israel will…


Red light vote at UNESCO

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— In what was described as a crucial “UN test vote,” UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientif and Cultural Organization) voted Monday to grant full membership to the ‘State of Palestine.” The 107 nations voting in favor included South Africa, China, Russia, Brazil, India and France. Among the 14 votes against were the…


Barak: Israel has not already decided to strike Iran

BY HAARETZ Amidst a flurry of recent reports regarding a possible Israeli attack against Iran, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Monday that he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have not already decided that Israel will conduct such a strike. “It does not take a genius to understand that in Israel in 2011 two people…


Palestinian Arab Aggression Will Never End

BY VICTOR SHARPE, FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS— No, the terror will continue so long as Israel and the IDF merely retaliates against each and every separate Muslim Arab crime against the Jewish state’s civilian population. As one person, commenting on a blog, stated: “Israel’s taking out a few rocket launchers is like giving aspirin for cancer.…


The UN's indifference

BY JOSEPH KLEIN, FRONTPAGEMAG— The “international community” is always quick to blame Israel for any reprisals it takes against Palestinian terrorists. Accusations of “collective punishment,” “disproportionate force,” and “extrajudicial targeted assassinations” are regularly hurled at Israel from the chambers of the dysfunctional Human Rights Council and other United Nations bodies, including the UN Security Council.…


IDF aircraft strike rocket launching cell in Gaza

BY YAAKOV LAPPIN, JPOST The IDF said overnight Sunday that its aircraft struck a rocket launching cell in Gaza after it fired a projectile into Israel. “We identified an accurate strike,” an IDF spokesman told The Jerusalem Post. The IDF action came after three Kassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel landed in…


Father of 4 killed as Gaza missiles pound Israel

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— An Israeli man was killed and dozens more were wounded on Saturday night when Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip unleashed a torrent of mortar and rocket fire on southern Israel. More than 40 rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza between Saturday evening and mid-morning Sunday. The…
