Reconnecting with descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs— On Tuesday, 13 October 2015, the first ever official Knesset Caucus for the Reconnection with the Descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Communities (otherwise known as Bnei Anusim, Marranos and Conversos) will be held. Patio of the Inquisition – Portugal As a result of forced conversions, expulsions and persecution by…


URGENT! American presidential candidates Need to Know WHY it’s Futile and Deadly for Israel to Negotiate with Muslims: Theological, Cultural, and Empirical Reasons

By: Prof. Paul Eidelberg— Introduction In The Dream Palace of the Arabs, the renowned Lebanese-born scholar, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University, portrays the thoughts of the most prominent of literati of the Arab-Islamic world who sorrowfully behold the “death of Arab civilization.” He himself writes that “Arab society had run through most of its myths,…


Hassidic Rabbi: War of Gog and Magog Already Began in Syria

By: Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— An important Hassidic rabbinical leader recently offered a surprising Biblical interpretation of the War of Gog and Magog. At the festive meal that concluded the holiday of Simchat Torah earlier this week, Rabbi Sholom Berger, also know as the Mishkolitz Rebbe, spoke about the imminent arrival of the…


Column One: Abbas must be stopped

By: Caroline Glick, JPOST— All the Palestinian terrorist attacks that have been carried out in recent weeks share one common feature. All the terrorists believe that by attacking Jews they are protecting the Temple Mount from destruction. And why shouldn’t they believe this obscenity? Everywhere they go, every time they turn on their televisions, read…


The Engine Driving Global Terrorism

By Eli E. Hertz, Myths and Facts— Incitement is the new uncontrollable, affordable and elusive weapon of mass destruction. Its brand of terrorism constitutes a major strategic threat to the foundation of the free world. First Step Towards Eradicating Terrorism – Zero Tolerance for Incitement The Muslim-Arab world fans the flames of hatred and violence…


In 2,000 Year First, Christians Publicly Rally in Jerusalem in Support of Jewish Sovereignty Over Temple Mount

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— A crucial war is being waged over the Temple Mount and standing on the front line, allied with Israel and the nation of Israel, is Cry For Zion, a movement of Christian Zionists from all over the world who recently united in support of Jewish sovereignty over the…


Christian Monastery Burned Down in Biblical City of Bethlehem

By: Raphael Poch, Breaking Israel News— In an anti-Christian incident which has largely gone unnoticed, the St. Charbel (Maar Charbel) Monastery in Bethlehem was attacked and burned down on September 26th. The monastery is located in the Wadi Maali neighborhood of the city where King David was born and is the reputed birthplace of Jesus.…


It’s not a “holy” story but rather a story full of holes.

By: Earl Cox, JPOST— Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the United Nations was once again bombastic but not a block buster. Naturally his refrain to the song of Palestinian Blues played to the tune of the ongoing Palestinian-instigated conflict with Israel. The bluster from Abbas and his whining is nothing new and over the…
