Anti-Semitism tainting Occupy Wall Street protests

By YITZHAK BENHORIN, — Several anti-Semitic incidents have been reported during “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in New York as Jews were blamed for the turmoil in America’s financial markets. In addition, anti-Israel signs were raised against “Israel’s occupation of Gaza”. The “Emergency Committee for Israel” has published a hard-to-watch clip in which Jews are…

Over 6,000 Christian Pilgrims arrive for annual Feast of Tabernacles

BY TRAVELUJAH— Over 6,000 Christian pilgrims, have arrived in Israel for the annual Feast of Tabernacles the largest tourism event in Israel, which attracts many Evangelical communities worldwide. The annual convention is hosted and organized by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem and includes visits to religious sites throughout the country, lectures and seminars, as…