The state of America

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Aside from the carnage in Benghazi, the most enduring image from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State was the fake remote control she brought with her to Moscow in 2009 with the word “Reset” in misspelled Russian embossed on it. Clinton’s gimmick was meant to show that under President…

Covering for Islamic cruelty

By DAVID PARSONS, JPOST— In the aftermath of the Arab Spring’s mass uprisings against repressive military dictatorships, radical Islamists are stepping into the political vacuum to seize power, while also unleashing a brutal wave of persecution against vulnerable Christian communities. Yet one would hardly know this harsh reality looking at a statement coming out of…

The Obama doctrine exposed

By DANIEL GREENFIELD, FRONTPAGE— On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took President Obama to task for his administration’s disastrous handling of American foreign policy, which has had catastrophic consequences — most recently in the form of the heinous attacks against our embassies in Libya and Egypt. To understand what happened in Benghazi or in…

Who lost Egypt?

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— In 1949, the Communist takeover of China rattled the US foreign policy establishment to its core. China’s fall to Communism was correctly perceived as a massive strategic defeat for the US. The triumphant Mao Zedong placed China firmly in the Soviet camp and implemented foreign policies antithetical to US interests. For…