Back to the Future – European Anti-Semitism vs American Assimilation

By RON JAGER— It was last week during Succoth, that we read and heard that timeless  quote  from Kohelet, “Nothing new under the sun.” A resolution that calls male ritual circumcision a “violation of the physical integrity of children” was passed overwhelmingly by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a pan-European intergovernmental organization.…

Obama is a prisoner of his own agenda

By VICTOR SHARPE, ARUTZ7— If the American President was not a prisoner to his own pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda, the U.S. Administration would now be applauding the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the anti-Western, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood thugs who have instigated horrific violence in Cairo and throughout much of the country. Indeed, his own agenda…