Gush Katif revisited

By RON JAGER— When Gush Katif was destroyed eight years ago, four communities from the Northern Samaria were also systematically destroyed and cleansed of any Jewish presence. These four communities, along with the rest of the Gush Katif communities, were overnight, simply wiped off the map. For us in the Judea and Samaria, and for…

Mainline American Christians against Israel

By Dr. MANFRED GERSTENFELD, ARUTZ7— Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein of the Wiesenthal Center: “They claim to support the underdog against ‘powerful and evil Israel.’” The leadership of most American ‘mainline’ Protestant churches is top-heavy with anti-Israel agitation, especially among those on mission committees. By now, a substantial number of their members have been…