Why Jews need Israel

BY DAVID SOLWAY, FRONTPAGEMAG— In a speech given to the Domestic Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag in June 2008 on the subject of a renascent antisemitism, journalist Henryk Broder distinguished between a prejudice and a resentment: “a prejudice concerns a person’s behavior; a resentment concerns that person’s very existence. Anti-semitism is a resentment. The…

Resolution 16/18 is a challenge to our freedom of speech

This past December the U.S. State Department hosted a three-day, closed-door international conference to discuss implementation of Resolution 16/18 with members of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) that if passed, will criminalize the criticism of Islam.  The OIC is the world’s largest Islamic Organization with 56 member states and the Palestinian Authority, and is…