Red Alert: Part 1, Interview with Dara Horn. What do we have to gain from perspective?

By Amy Zewe— You are invited to join me this week, Nov. 24, and next, for an exciting interview with writer and podcaster Dara Horn. Dara is an established novelist and recently published her first non-fiction book called People Love Dead Jews. Dara’s repertoire of work also includes essays and articles published in a variety…

Ruins of a Hellenistic fortress show ‘tangible evidence’ of Hanukkah story, Israeli archaeologists say

By Shira Hanau, JTA.ORG— Archaeologists excavating a 2,100-year-old fortress say it provides “tangible evidence” of the events from the Hanukkah story. The site, located west of Hebron in the Lachish Forest, includes remnants of a fortress made of stone and wood that the archaeologists working with the Israel Antiquities Authority believe was burned by the…

New Senate Bill Calls for Annual Review of Palestinian Curriculum for ‘Racist Violence Against Jewish People’

By Benjamin Kerstein, Algemeiner— A bill that would mandate an annual review of hate speech, incitement, and antisemitism in educational materials used by the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees was introduced in the United States Senate on Tuesday. The Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act (S.3209), introduced by Sen.…

Knesset Education Committee in Historic Statement: Israeli Schoolchildren Must Visit Temple Mount

By David Israel, Jewish Press— Responding to aggressive lobbying by the Beyadenu movement (Dani Dayan’s Daughter Sings Hatikvah Quietly on Temple Mount), the Knesset Education Committee on Tuesday debated the place of the Temple Mount in the country’s education system. Coalition and opposition MKs alike agreed that the Israeli education system is failing to convey…