This week’s prayer points

#1.  IRAN The P5+1, made up of the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany met in Geneva to negotiate a settlement with Iran regarding that nation’s nuclear development.  Blessedly, no agreement was signed during this round of talks.  This international committee continued to march toward appeasing Iran, through lessening sanctions, which would return tens…

Prayer Points

SUGGESTED INTERCESSION: **Pray for the truth to be revealed about the gas attacks near Damascus, and about the true motivations of the western leaders for jumping into this sectarian battle. **Ask YHVH to direct the timing, the form, and the length of this war, if it is his timing to bring it now.  Pray that…

This week’s prayer points

Israel is facing many challenges right now. Here are a few for us to consider in prayer. 1. THE ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN “PEACE” PROCESS:  A most recent poll by Tel Aviv University showed that 79% of Israelis do not believe that these peace negotiations will lead to peace or bring a positive outcome to Israel. The next…

This week's prayer points

Israel is facing many challenges right now. Here are a few for us to consider in prayer. 1. THE ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN “PEACE” PROCESS:  A most recent poll by Tel Aviv University showed that 79% of Israelis do not believe that these peace negotiations will lead to peace or bring a positive outcome to Israel. The next…

This week's prayer points

IRAN: Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced that very soon Israel will have to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, with or without the USA.  In the next four months, Iran likely will possess the necessary, final, 60 kgs, of 20% refined uranium; bringing Iran’s possession of the redline total of 250 kg into reality.  The…