Hamas Threatens Jordan

By Bassam Tawil, GateStone Institute— The signs near the Al-Aqsa mosque were clear: “The cameras will be broken and the hands that hung them will be cut off.” Installing video cameras near the Al Aqsa mosque would be a painful thorn in the side of all the terrorist organizations. The immensely successful collaborations in the…

The Palestinians No One Talks About

By: KHALED ABU TOAMEH, Gatestone Institute— The international community seems to have forgotten that Palestinians live not only in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but also in a number of Arab countries, especially Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Western journalists covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict regularly focus on the “plight” of Palestinians who are affected by…

Progress is not inevitable

By MONA CHAREN— To understand the magnitude of what Egyptian columnist Khalid Muntasir has done, it helps to get a taste of what most Egyptian and Arab media are like. In Egypt, expressions of vicious anti-Semitism are not just acceptable, they are commonplace. Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader and now president of Egypt, was…

King Abdullah's Catch 22

By Arieh O’Sullivan, Media Line King Abdullah is in a lose-lose situation with his harsh criticism of Israel’s government. Jordanian King Abdullah’s harsh criticism of Israel has little chance of ending the peace treaty which is vital for Jordan’s security, but highlights the dire future the monarch sees for his country.   Abdullah, who is…