Hitler committed suicide April 30, 1945: 75 years later his propaganda lives on

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, Times of Israel—- Hitler’s suicide, whether by gun or cyanide, marked what the world imagined was an end to the incomprehensible evil he perpetuated with horrific strategies, details, and logistics. His industrialized killing machines and devoted accomplices wiped out 6 million Jewish men, women, and children. The world may have breathed…

Munich again?

By DAVID PARSONS, Israel Hayom— Many today look at the rising threat of radical Islam and the weak Western response, and wonder if we are repeating the mistakes of 1938. No doubt we live in perilous times. Islamic State and al-Qaida are waging violent jihad against us. Iran is seeking nuclear weapons to dominate the…

Israel and Liberal Appeasement

By Chuck Morse, World Net Daily Israel is in the crosshairs as Syria prepares to move Scud missiles beyond the protective barrier of the Golan Heights and into southern Lebanon where their proxy, Hezbollah, would be in a position to fire upon Jewish population centers. Meanwhile, the nuclear threat from Iran is continuing to develop…