By Chuck Morse, World Net Daily
Israel is in the crosshairs as Syria prepares to move Scud missiles beyond the protective barrier of the Golan Heights and into southern Lebanon where their proxy, Hezbollah, would be in a position to fire upon Jewish population centers. Meanwhile, the nuclear threat from Iran is continuing to develop at breakneck speed as a Russian-built nuclear reactor is scheduled to open in August. All the while, these genocidal threats are encouraged by yet another well-meaning, but infantile, liberal leader. President Barack Obama has given a green light to the gathering blitzkrieg. The New York Times reports that the Obama administration policy toward Israel is to be “balanced against other interests.”
Obama is only one of a long line of liberal Western leaders who have believed that appeasing the demands of aggressors leads to peace. Such an unrealistic policy is the equivalent of offering a violent criminal, who claims to have mended his ways, a pass from prison. Come to think of it, this would also describe the approach of many liberals to violent crime. Obviously this leads to violence and war.
There are many historic examples of liberal leaders siding with extremists in the interest of the ever-elusive peace, and this is often at the expense of moderates. Sir Herbert Samuel, the British-appointed governor of Palestine, pardoned Haj Amin al-Husseini, an Arab leader who had fled after having been convicted of fomenting a violent attack against Jews in Palestine in 1920. Samuel brought al-Husseini back from exile and appointed him as mufti of Jerusalem over the objection of moderate Palestinian Arabs. Al-Husseini went on to purge the moderate Arabs out of Palestine, attack Jews in a series of coordinated violent incidents and join Hitler in Berlin during the war as the head of an Arab-Nazi government in exile. Since virtually forgotten, the moderate Emir Faisal had signed a 1919 peace agreement with Chaim Weizmann, head of the Zionist organization, recognizing Jewish Palestine and encouraging Jews to return to their ancestral homeland.
Hitler, who had been encouraged by liberal British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who offered concessions to the Nazis in exchange for peace, worked with al-Husseini during the war years in developing the Muslim Brotherhood as a pro-Nazi spy network in the Middle East. Having never been denazified, the secretive Muslim Brotherhood has spawned such groups as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaida and CAIR.
Likewise, concessions to the communists by well-meaning Western leaders in the postwar years have been legion. President Franklin D. Roosevelt handed over Poland and eastern Europe to Stalin at Yalta in exchange for peace, thus condemning these nations to the jackboot of totalitarianism. George C. Marshall, as special envoy to China 1947-1948, furthered the interests of the communists under Mao Zedong, at the expense of our World War II ally, Chiang Kai-shek, thus sacrificing an estimated 50 million people who were lost in the communist march toward utopian progress. In January 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson declared South Korea to be outside the U.S. defense perimeter in Asia, thus leading to an invasion from North Korea. In March 1975, a newly installed liberal U.S. Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam more than a year after the U.S. had withdrawn from the conflict. North Vietnam invaded two months later, resulting in hundreds of thousands of boat people and millions murdered in Cambodia.
In every case, appeasement, however well-intended, led to the extremist side taking advantage of the peace and preparing for war. Hundreds of millions of people have suffered and died as a result of Western leaders refusing to take up the moral and practical standard of defending freedom domestically and around the world. Small pre-emptive wars have turned into big wars as a result of such misguided policies. With the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the emboldening of Nazi-inspired radical Islam, the stakes are too high in this day and age for liberal mirages. These are times that call for a defense of freedom against tyranny.
Chuck Morse is the author of “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini.”