Positions of power

By ADAM TURNER, FRONTPAGEMAG— In selecting Samantha Power as his nominee for United Nations Ambassador, President Obama has chosen an appointee whose stated positions are detrimental to promoting a strong American foreign policy and would weaken the position of one of our strongest allies, Israel.  She also seems to have a temperament that is not…

Failed US policy endangers Israel

By RON BEN-YISHAI, YNET— The American policy toward the Middle East has been moving in the past few months from failure to failure, and mainly from helplessness to embarrassing mistakes. The inability of the Obama administration to produce worthy responses to the developments is angering not only the supporters of the US in the region,…

An Obama foreign policy

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is worried about the shape of things to come in US foreign policy. In an interview with Newsweek over the weekend, Gates sounded the warning bells. In Gates’ words, “I’ve spent my entire adult life with the United States as a superpower, and one that…