Video: L’Shana Tova!
Happy Rosh Hashana from the entire Latma team!
Happy Rosh Hashana from the entire Latma team!
By BARRY RUBIN, PJMEDIA— It is not every day that one can announce a shift in world history, but this day is today. And we are now in a new era in the Middle East and the world. This is not a joke-definitely not a joke-and as you will see, it is not an exaggeration.…
By YORAM ETTINGER, ARUTZ7 — A guide to understanding the laws and customs of the New Year period. 1. The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah- “the beginning of the year”) is compatible with the agricultural calendar. It commences with the planting of seeds and the first rain, which highlights the centrality of the soil in…