Braised Brisket

*Braised brisket is synonymous with Jewish holidays.  You would be hard-pressed to go to a Passover or Sukkot celebration and not find brisket somewhere on the menu.  Most of my Jewish friends are fiercely loyal to their mother or grandmother’s brisket recipe, just as they should be.  In case you do not come from a long…

Stuffed Bell Peppers

*This was my first meal to make after we moved to Israel.  I actually ruined it the first time because I didn’t know Israeli ovens use celsius instead of fahrenheit.  These came out pretty dry and crisp in a 400 degree celcius oven!  I never made that mistake again. Ingredients 6 bell peppers, washed and halved…

Stuffed grape leaves

*Every year for New Year’s Eve my mother makes Dolma, stuffed grape leaves.  She got the recipe from an Iraqi neighbor.  This recipe does take some time so looking back maybe that’s why we only made it once a year.  In Israel it is very common to buy stuffed grape leaves in cans and serve…