Pray this prayer before you Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

We are encouraged to “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” in Psalm 122:6.   But realistically we know there will be no peace in Jerusalem until the Messiah comes.   That is the time when he “rules over the nations with an iron scepter and dashes all ungodly opposition to pieces like pottery. (Psalm 2:9-12).   Therefore before…


Hamas' 54 Democratic Congressmen

By David Greenfield, Keith Ellison, widely hailed as America’s first Muslim congressman, could more accurately be described as CAIR and Hamas’ man in Congress. Congressman Ellison has been a regular presence at CAIR fundraisers and at pro-Hamas rallies in the United States. As a former member of Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, Ellison has enough…


Grassroots fighting settlement freeze

by Hillel Fendel, Grassroots organizations in Yesha (Judea and Samaria), together with the National Union faction in the Knesset, have published a rough draft of a plan to actively fight the construction freeze. The program is formulated carefully and logically, yet deals with what it calls an “existential threat” and the “first step towards…


Senator Scott Brown's position on Israel

Senator SCOTT BROWN (R-MA): Position Paper on the United States – State of Israel Relationship Paid for by The Scott Brown for U.S. Senate Committee I have always supported the important relationship between the United States and the State of Israel. Our two countries share a core set of national values including dedication to…


The Error of Replacement Theology

By Clarence H. Wagner, Jr. What Is Replacement Theology? Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. What are its premises? Israel (the Jewish people and the land) has been replaced by the Christian Church in the purposes of God, or, more precisely, the Church is…


The Error of Replacement Theology

By Clarence H. Wagner, Jr. What Is Replacement Theology? Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. What are its premises? Israel (the Jewish people and the land) has been replaced by the Christian Church in the purposes of God, or, more precisely, the Church is…


Israeli Initiative – Chapter 10: The Attempts to Cut Off UNRWA

By Yoav Sorek Not much has been done to eliminate UNRWA since its inception in 1949; the idea has been considered cruel and not “PC.” However, as we’ve proven in previous chapters, keeping UNRWA alive is even crueler. The organization has made the refugees dependant on UNRWA, unable to lead independent lives, thus increasing their…
