Blessings and curses

By Dennis Prager Most observers, right or left, pro-Israel or anti-Israel, would agree that Israeli-American relations are the worst they have been in memory. Among the many indications is that only 9 percent of Jewish Israelis think President Barack Obama’s administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian, according to a Smith Research poll taken during the…


Blessings and curses

By Dennis Prager Most observers, right or left, pro-Israel or anti-Israel, would agree that Israeli-American relations are the worst they have been in memory. Among the many indications is that only 9 percent of Jewish Israelis think President Barack Obama’s administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian, according to a Smith Research poll taken during the…


Eric Cantor: Israel a key strategic ally in Middle East

By Washington D.C. – House Republican Whip Eric Cantor issued the following statement on Thursday in response to President Obama’s remarks Tuesday, which appeared in the New York Times, that Israel may be “costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.” “Israel is a democracy that has always made the sacrifices necessary…


The Times Makes It Official: Obama Has Shifted U.S. Policy Against Israel

By Jonathan Tobin, If there were any lingering doubts in the minds of Democrats who care about Israel that the president they helped elect has fundamentally altered American foreign policy to the Jewish state’s disadvantage, they are now gone. The New York Times officially proclaimed the administration’s changed attitude in a front-page story this…


Iran, Israel and the Bomb

By Carol Pederson, Wall Street Journal Sorting the real, from the phony, nuclear proliferation threats. As far as grand summitry goes, an American President hasn’t hosted something like the current two-day talk-in on nuclear security in Washington since—well, as the Obama Administration described it, not since the San Francisco Conference of 1945. That meeting created…
