Occupy Wall Street activist blames 'the Jews'

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— It was only a matter of time before activists involved in the “Occupy Wall Street” economic demonstrations began to blame “the Jews” for America’s financial woes. A YouTube video making the rounds over the weekend showed one such activist holding up a sign that read “Hitler’s Bankers – Wall St”…


Yom Kippur Guide for the Perplexed

BY YORAM ETTINGER 1. Yom Kippur’s central theme is the plea for forgiveness from fellow human-beings, highlighting the most essential attributes of constructive leadership, healthy relationships and family and national cohesion: humility (admitting fallibility), faith, soul-searching, thoughtfulness, being considerate, compassion, accepting responsibility, minimizing personal hostility, magnanimity. In order to penetrate the heart of fellow human-beings,…


Yom Kippur Guide for the Perplexed

BY YORAM ETTINGER 1.  Yom Kippur’s central theme is the plea for forgiveness from fellow human-beings, highlighting the most essential attributes of constructive leadership, healthy relationships and family and national cohesion: humility (admitting fallibility), faith, soul-searching, thoughtfulness, being considerate, compassion, accepting responsibility, minimizing personal hostility, magnanimity.  In order to penetrate the heart of fellow human-beings,…


The Self-Defeating Statehood Gambit

BY ASAF ROMIROWSKY, JOINTMEDIA NEWS— Following the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas has attempted to convince the world and the international community that their quest for statehood is just. Moreover, he would like us to believe that this “state” is responsible and accountable and deserves to be part of the…


Is This a Two State Solution — or a “Final Solution?”

BY SARAH STERN, EMET— The Palestinian UN statehood bid — statehood without negotiations — which is now before the Security Council, is just the latest step in a never-ceasing effort by the Palestinian leadership to erase the State of Israel. This is the Two State Solution on the way to Hitler’s “Final Solution” — the…


Congress Needs to Investigate Corrupt Palestine Investment Fund

BY JONATHAN SCHANZER, THE HILL— In a twist that almost certainly violates U.S. law, American taxpayers are unwittingly contributing to a Palestinian sovereign wealth fund controlled in part by the terrorist group Hamas. The entity in question — crying for a congressional inquiry — is the Palestine Investment Fund (PIF), which the Palestinian Authority created…
