The Palestinian assault on Jewish history and heritage

By Michael Freund, JPost— If anyone still has doubts about the Palestinian Authority’s determination to erase all traces of Israel’s ancient Jewish heritage, an important new report should lay to rest any such uncertainties. The 65-page document, entitled “National Heritage Survey” and published by the Shilo Forum and the Shomrim al HaNetzach (“Preserving the Eternal”)…

Why Are ‘Progressive’ Democrats Giving Iran What It Wants?

By Shoshana Bryen, inSight— Editor’s Note: The money for Iron Dome’s resupply has been restored. But the politics that led to its removal from the spending bill remain – and will haunt friends of Israel. House Democratic leadership, under pressure from its “progressive” wing, removed the appropriation earmarked for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system…

Biden should be looking for a Plan B when it comes to the Iranian nuclear deal, Middle East expert tells

By Joel C. Rosenberg, All Israel News— Why is Tehran seemingly not willing to take up Washington on its generous offer and simply reenter the nuclear deal? Are the Iranians learning to live with sanctions instead? These are some of the questions perplexing the Washington establishment. I spoke with Robert Satloff, executive director of The…