Newly-found Iranian cyber-espionage may pose ‘real threat’ to Israel

By Zev Stub, JPost— Iranian threat actors are running a highly targeted cyberespionage operation against global aerospace and telecommunications companies, stealing sensitive information from targets around Israel and the Middle East, as well as in the United States, Russia and Europe, according to a report published Wednesday by Israeli cybersecurity company Cybereason. Cybereason identified the…

Red Alert: When is critical thinking advocacy for Israel?

By Amy Zewe—- When it is applied to our colleges and universities. All us–Jews, Christians and others–must apply critical thinking to the curriculums and lectures and speeches that professors, administrators and campus activists are espousing. The amount of poison leaching into our academic arenas is overwhelming. Schools were once the safe haven for questioning, seeking…

Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel

By Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute— Just when Congress overwhelmingly defeated an effort by eight radical Democrats and one Republican to defund Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, several “mainstream” Democrats proposed legislation that is equally dangerous and filled with half-truths, omissions and outright fabrications. Congressman Andy Levin has introduced a bill that purports to further…