The HIASization of American Jews

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpagemag-— Three years ago, the leaders of radical left-wing groups signed a letter in support of Linda Sarsour. The defenders of the anti-Semitic figure who had cheered Farrakhan, terrorists killing Jews, and viewed Jews as subhuman, included leaders of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish groups such as J Street, JVP, T’ruah, If Not Now,…

JTA: ZOA Calls On Secy/State Tillerson to Resign Over Israel-Hating Report On Terrorism

By ZOA— The Zionist Organization of America called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to resign over the State Department terrorism report that the ZOA called “bigoted, biased, anti-Semitic, Israel-hating (and) error-ridden.” “This Tillerson State Department Report blames Israel for Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks on innocent Jews and Americans, ignores and whitewashes the Palestinian Authority’s…

ZOA to Trump: ‘We’re disappointed and alarmed’

By Hillel Fendel, Israel National News— Front-running Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, generally hawkish on Muslims-vs.-West issues, has alarmed some pro-Israel elements in the United Statements with a speech he delivered on Thursday. Peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority “has to do with Israel and whether or not Israel’s willing to sacrifice certain things,”…