Scripture Reading for December 5, 2015
Torah: Genesis 37:1 – 40:22, “Vayeshev” (And he settled …) Haftorah: Amos 2:6 – 3:8 New Testament: Hebrews 9:12 -15 Gospel: Matthew 1:1 – 6, 18 – 25, “Sefer ha’ yuchaseen” ( The book of geneology … )
Torah: Genesis 37:1 – 40:22, “Vayeshev” (And he settled …) Haftorah: Amos 2:6 – 3:8 New Testament: Hebrews 9:12 -15 Gospel: Matthew 1:1 – 6, 18 – 25, “Sefer ha’ yuchaseen” ( The book of geneology … )
By BEN SCHRECKINGER, Politico— Donald Trump joked about Jewish stereotypes, declined to affirm his support for a united Jerusalem, and told his audience they wouldn’t back him because he did not want their money. Reading from a prepared text, Ben Carson repeatedly pronounced the name of the Palestinian group “Hamas” as if it were a…
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF AND AGENCIES, Times of Israel— One of the victims of the San Bernardino shooting was identified on Thursday as a Messianic Jew who had a heated discussion with the shooter about Islam weeks before the attack. The details came to light as investigators tried to determine whether the rampage that…
By Hillel Fendel, Israel National News— Front-running Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, generally hawkish on Muslims-vs.-West issues, has alarmed some pro-Israel elements in the United Statements with a speech he delivered on Thursday. Peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority “has to do with Israel and whether or not Israel’s willing to sacrifice certain things,”…
May we all remember the season of restoring the Tabernacle and the Torah to the people !!!!!