This is our moment

By Sarah Stern, Emet— There are certain moments in history where we as a civilization are put to the test. Such a moment occurred during the Soviet Jewry movement, when thousands of American Jews did everything in their power to support brave dissidents. They struggled for the right to emigrate so that they could live…

Report: US, Russia agree to help Israel ‘expel’ Iran from Syria

By Jerusalem Post— The United States, Russia and Israel have reportedly reached a consensus on the need to restrict and eventually expel pro-Iranian forces from gaining influence in Syria, the Kuwati daily newspaper Al-Rai reported Saturday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Arab outlet, has reached an understanding with Washington and Moscow that pro-Iranian…

Israel won’t let Iran have military presence in Syria, Netanyahu tells Russian PM

By Raphael Ahren, Times of Israel— Israel will prevent Iran from establishing a military presence in Syria, and will continue to intervene to stop Iran arming Hezbollah and other Shiite militias there, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, on Thursday in Jerusalem.   Moscow is a staunch supporter of Basher Assad’s…

Towards a third Lebanon war

By Or Heller, Israel Defense— Anyone travelling this summer through the northern part of Israel or, more specifically along the northern border, will see another, different border. The sun beats down hard when you drive along the border, but if you listen to the assessments of senior IDF officers, this summer will only be hot…

Hundreds protest against ignored ‘American Intifada’ in New York

By Matt Wanderman, Arutz 7— Hundreds of Russian-speaking Jews gathered to protest anti-Semitism in New York this past Wednesday. The rally was organized by a number of the community’s leaders, including Ari Kagan, Margarita Kagan and Gregory Davidzon. Eugene Lekakh, the Director-General of the American Forum on Russian Jewry, explained that Islamist violence has been…

Analysis: Putin closest thing to a friend Israel has ever had in Moscow

By Josh Cohen, JPOST— Love or hate him, the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military intervention in Syria unquestionably upended Middle Eastern politics. Putin supported Syrian President Bashar Assad, established several military bases in Syria, created a de-facto Russian-Shi’ite axis, confronted Turkey and forced the West to re-engage with him. While all the region’s major players…