By Matt Wanderman, Arutz 7—
Hundreds of Russian-speaking Jews gathered to protest anti-Semitism in New York this past Wednesday. The rally was organized by a number of the community’s leaders, including Ari Kagan, Margarita Kagan and Gregory Davidzon.
Eugene Lekakh, the Director-General of the American Forum on Russian Jewry, explained that Islamist violence has been reaching New York and poses a threat to the largest Jewish community outside of Israel. Some present called the phenomenon the “American Intifada.”
The demonstrators claimed that local authorities, the police and the media are ignoring the danger. They believe that the violence results from incitement on social media, as well as by pro-Palestinian students and faculty in colleges.
“These trends are especially strong in the four CUNY colleges,” said Lekakh. “Jewish students on these campuses are subjected to daily anti-Semitic abuse.”
The Chair of the American Forum of Russian Jewry, Dr. Dmitry Schiglik said: “We need to fight back by conducting educational programs for combating Antisemitism and the assault on Israel’s legitimacy on social networks and in the media and provide leadership training for pro-Israel activities. We, the Russian-speaking Jews of America will continue openly supporting Israel and will not be bowed by this abuse and violence.”