Upcoming Conference to Study Assault on Pro-Israel Evangelicals

By Dexter Van Zile, Breaking Israel News— Evangelical Protestants are part of the backbone of American civil society. Numbering about 90 million people, these Bible-believing Christians have eclipsed mainline Protestants who comprised the Protestant establishment that ruled the roost in the United States in the decades before, during and after World War II. Many elites…


By: By: Chris Mitchell, Breaking Christian News— (Jerusalem, Israel)— The Security Cabinet met in an emergency session Tuesday evening to decide on additional counterterrorism measures in the wake of Palestinian violence. (Security footage of Palestinian attack at Israeli bus stop/Screengrab via CBN News) Terrorists killed three Israelis and wounded 20 during their “Day of Rage,” but…

The Hand that Rocks the Knife

By: Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today— Based on his previous “successes,” John Kerry’s pending visit to Israel will either end up achieving nothing or actually increasing the violence. Since Kerry has discovered the reason why so many Palestinian hands are rocking so many knives, it is worth looking into it. In his Harvard lecture this week,…

Bret Stephens tells it like it is (WSJ)

By: Bret Stephens— Regarding the causes of this Palestinian blood fetish, Western news organizations have resorted to familiar tropes. Palestinians have despaired at the results of the peace process—never mind that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas just declared the Oslo Accords null and void. Israeli politicians want to allow Jews to pray atop the Temple Mount—never…