Israel Revokes Palestinian Foreign Minister’s VIP Status Due to Support for ICC War Crimes Investigation

By Algemeiner— Israel revoked the VIP status of Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki on Sunday, reportedly due to his support for the International Criminal Court’s investigation of alleged Israeli war crimes. According to an Axios report, al-Maliki was stopped at the crossing between Jordan and the West Bank because his VIP card had been revoked…

EU countries gave NIS 50m. to Israeli NGOs supporting war crimes charges

By Lahav Harkov, JPost— Foreign governments were major funders of Israeli organizations making the charge that the International Criminal Court should investigate Israel for war crimes, a new report from NGO Monitor revealed this week. The report, by the research institution focused on nongovernmental organizations and their funding, analyzed the annual financial reports from 2017-2019…

The ICC Aids and Abets Terrorism

By Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom— Starting Friday evening, Israel’s diplomatic-security-legal systems have been on high alert because of the International Criminal Court’s decision that it has the jurisdiction to investigation Israel for alleged “war crimes.” The court’s ruling throws the hot potato decision about whether or not to launch an investigation against Israel into the…