Red Alert: Antisemitism in US Schools, What can you do?

By Amy Zewe Join us to hear this informative interview with Educational Specialist, Rebecca Schgallis. Rebecca is currently part of CAMERA Education Institute. (CAMERA is the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis). Rebecca is on the front lines of defending Jewish families and students, documenting and prompting change, and developing curriculum resources…

Head of Conference of Presidents: Anti-Semitism in the US on the rise

By Attila Somfalvi, Ynetnews— Three-quarters of American Jewish students say they witnessed or experienced anti-Semitism on a campus, American-Jewish leader Malcolm Hoenlein told Ynet on Wednesday. “It’s not Europe yet, but (anti-Semitism) is definitely on the rise,” said Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which is…