Articles At a Diplomatic Crossroad, it is Time for Israel to Act

By Caroline Glick, JPost— Three diplomatic events transpired this week. Together they describe the crossroads before which Israel now stands following the US presidential elections. First, on Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority announced it is renewing its security coordination with the IDF after suspending it six months ago. The PA also expressed willingness to accept tax…

The political split over Israel

By Yossi Kuperwasser and Asaf Romirowsky, Jewish News Service— With the 2020 presidential elections in high gear, and following normalization between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, a deeper look at the platforms of both parties is required. It is clear that American Jews and Israelis are called upon to exhibit “moral fiber”…

Rashida Tlaib Slams UAE-Israel Peace, Opposes Normalization

By Atara Beck, United with Israel— US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) slammed the historic peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel announced Thursday at the White House. “Huge breakthrough today,” US President Donald Trump tweeted. “Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!” Israel and several Gulf…

ZOA blasts disunity among Jewish-American groups over PM’s speech

By TIMES OF ISRAEL AND JTA— The right-wing Zionist Organization of America suggested Monday that some American-Jewish groups’ behavior surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned address to Congress is similar to that of the “Jewish leaders of the 1930s,” in reference to the lack of unity and organization in the American-Jewish community in the years…

Diplomacy and Hypocrisy

By Ophir Falk, Diplomacy is the art of conducting international relations with tact and skill in an effort to form alliances and agreements, whereas hypocrisy is the practice of professing false virtues. By making a mountain out of a molehill incident, concerning Jewish home building in Jerusalem, the Obama administration is applying double standard…