Meet “Team Jerusalem Connection”
Marilyn Henretty
Code name: M-1
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Primary Specialty: Maintains and updates database; Records and deposits all donations; Manages files and keeps everything organized; Runs office errands; Answers the phones; Prays for the specific requests submitted by TJCI readers; Represents TJCI at pro-Israel DC events.
Secondary Specialty: Blows the shofar as loud as any trained Rabbi; Makes occasional runs for emergency milkshakes; Sings like a bird (and as often); Witnesses to every waiter or waitress; Dresses as colorful as possible and never fails to accessorize.
Mission motivator: “The first time I ever went to Israel was in 1981. It was my first time to fly or even leave the United States. My Mother went home to Jesus suddenly and a friend invited me to go to Jerusalem with her. I felt at home in Jerusalem. My love for Israel began the moment I set foot on Israel’s soil. I have been to Israel eight times since and must return, hopefully next year. A love for Israel is buried deep in my blood. It is Yahweh, my Husband and Lover of my soul, drawing me to His hometown, Jerusalem. Talking about Israel and my love for the Jewish people seems as natural to me as breathing. Every Tuesday, in the middle of our Jerusalem Connection offices, Marilyn Levar and I sound our shofars and bring forth a surprising anointed harmony that is so wonderful.”
Marilyn Levar
Code name: M-2
Birthplace: Washington
Primary Specialty: Checks incoming office emails; Hand addresses and stamps all outgoing mail; Manages store inventory and product mailings; Keeps office trash empty and kitchen clean; Prays for the specific requests submitted by TJCI readers; Represents TJCI at pro-Israel DC events.
Secondary Specialty: Serves as unofficial office chauffeur; Bakes homemade scones and other goodies that she loves to share; Keeps the reception desk candy jar full; Personally licks the envelope on every outgoing piece of mail; Laughs with her entire body and soul.
Mission Motivator: “I started working for Jerusalem Connection eight years ago. Marilyn Henretty (M-1) and I have always done ministry together. We were at her home one day and discussing what the Lord might have in store for us to do next. General Hutchens called, out of the blue, to ask her about coming to work for Jerusalem Connection. I was in another room when she took the call and I had picked up a magazine to read while she was on the phone which happened to be The Jerusalem Connection Report. I instantly knew it was Gen. Hutchens calling. I told M-1 to tell him that he could have two Marilyn’s working with TJCI for the price of one! Every Tuesday, Marilyn Henretty and I begin our day with intercessory prayer and reading scriptures. We seek Yahweh for His direction for Jim, Shelley, TJCI contributors, the ministry, our families, and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the peace of the United States.“
Bill Lee
Code Name: Technotron
Birthplace: North Carolina
Primary Specialty: Edits weekly Spot Report video and any other videos; Photographs and videos TJCI special events; Fixes office computers.
Secondary Specialty: Tutors “technology-challenged” workers; Makes emergency house calls when tutoring doesn’t work; Pretends not to be surprised by any lack of technical intuition on the part of our staff; Responds to all emails and voicemails with lightning speed.
Mission Motivator: “I have always had a connection with Israel from the earliest that I can remember. I was born seven days after the establishment of modern day Israel in 1948. I have been twice to Israel and what amazed me was the feeling that I was home, and not in a foreign country! I met Jim Hutchens at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC many years ago, and from the first day of our meeting, I was moved by his passion and support of Israel. Our passions are the same, and it has been a joyous and fulfilling journey ever since that first day. God has blessed me with computer and media skills that I enjoy using for His kingdom.”
George Levar
Code Name: G-money
Birthplace: Washington
Primary Specialty: Serves as the office accountant; Keeps the books for all office expenses and donations; Prepares tax files.
Secondary Specialty: Brings balance to the office so Jim is not outnumbered by ladies.
Mission Motivator: “My wife Marilyn and I only do what the Lord calls us to do – and that is Trust and Obey. In my retirement years I am able to help a number of ministries with their accounting. It has been a joy to volunteer for Jerusalem Connection. We rejoice to see the ministry blessing Israel and the Jewish people. It’s amazing how fast time goes by. Marilyn and I will turn 75 in 2018. We could be the generation that sees the Lord’s return –We hope!”