Red Alert: Joy Amidst the Tears—Celebrating Hanukkah in Israel during Iron Shield

Continuing our series “Communion and Connectedness,” Shelley and I talk to Israeli writer Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz. Eliyahu shares his heart, through tears and smiles, and his experiences in Israel since October 7, 2023. Building bridges between the Jewish and Christian communities for many years, Eliyahu embodies the notion of Israel being “a blessing to the…

Red Alert State-Side Update: Why Care What the UN Does?

Gil Kapen, Executive Director of the American Jewish International Relations Institute (AJIRI), stands at the forefront of an essential mission—to reverse the United Nations’ ongoing funding and narrative that unfairly vilifies Israel. What motivates Gil in his tireless pursuit of rectifying this situation? A peak into his family history uncovers a rich legacy of Zionism—a…

Red Alert: Historic Rally on DC –300,000 Jews and Christians Rally for Israel: What’s the Big Deal?

On November 14, 2023, nearly 80 years after 500 Rabbis from NYC marched alone at the White House to demand attention and response for the atrocities the Nazis were committing against Jews in Europe, we were witness to a historic first as Israel and the Jewish population globally experience the greatest manifestation of Jew-hatred and…

Red Alert: Conversation with Yakir Englander, Director of IAC (Israeli-American Council)

Red Alert: Conversation with Yakir Englander, Director of IAC (Israeli-American Council) Today’s special guest is Yakir Englander, Director of Leadership for the Israeli-American Council (IAC). Yakir is an Israeli now living and working in the United States. His journey keeps him tightly connected to Israel and the Israeli-American community.  Yakir provides us with an intimate…