American evangelicals among Israel’s staunchest supporters

By Ahuva Balofsky, JPost— American evangelicals are among Israel’s staunchest supporters, a new survey by LifeWay Research shows. Most believe God has plans for the people of Israel, and many American preachers tell their congregants that Christians have an obligation to support the Jewish state. The Nashville-based research group conducted its study on American attitudes…

U.S. introduces bill to stop academic boycotts of Israel

By DEE LAZENBY, BREAKING CHRISTIAN NEWS— The American Jewish Committee (AJC) hailed the introduction of a resolution in the U.S House of Representatives condemning resolutions or policies promoting boycotts of Israeli academic institutions and scholars by American institutions of higher learning and scholarly associations. The measure, introduced by Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), criticizes the BDS…

An Academic Case for Christian Zionism

By: TRICIA MILLER, Breaking Israel News— In a precedent-setting event, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) sponsored a recent conference titled “People of the Land: A Twenty-First Century Case for Christian Zionism” in Washington, DC. It was reportedly the first-ever event specifically devoted to presenting academic arguments in support of Christian Zionism. The 11…