Sound your Shofar!

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are just around the corner.  Do you have your shofar ready? The Jerusalem Connection is now offering a 14″ Ram’s Horn Shofar and Shofar bag in our online store.  We want you to know that all items in our online store are for suggested donations and the proceeds help our…

New Artwork: Fit to Work

This is an archival print by Pat Mercer Hutchens, one of a series being offered through TJCI to remember and honor those who perished in the Holocaust. Pat is particularly zooming in on the women and the children. Click here to find the print available in our online store. From the artist: “These Jewish women…

Mossad T-shirts Available

January 19, 2010. Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, a notorious Hamas leader is found dead in his hotel room in Dubai. The Dubai government reveals that the 18 suspects used fake passports some of which originally belonged to Israeli citizens- but by now the hit team is long gone. Fingers are pointed at the Mossad. Assassination squads, stolen…

Never Again is Now!

NEVER AGAIN IS NOW is petitioning Congress to take the necessary steps to ensure that the words of the Declaration below are  adopted as the new Foreign Policy of the United States towards Israel.   Rev. Dr. John Lupoli, President of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, representing 380,000 churches and 44 million congregants…