On November 21, 2009, Jonathan Pollard entered his 25th year of a life sentence for his activities on behalf of Israel.
The median sentence for the offense Pollard committed – one count of passing classified information to an ally – is 2 to 4 years. Pollard received his life sentence without a trial, as a result of a plea bargain which he honored and the U.S. government violated.
Its time Pollard was released. Find out the background of the Pollard case and read the letter written to Jim Hutchens by Ze’ev Silverman, a professor from Israel who says “the opportunity presented to the President to make a meaningful gesture of good will to Israel at this time cannot be overstated.” Those Israelis who are fighting for Pollard’s release are making their appeal to the Christian Zionist community. Can you help?
Register your support for Pollard’s release by contacting your congressperson and contacting your senators by phone, fax or email. This gesture would cost the U.S. nothing!
Also, add your signature to a letter of support for Esther Pollard, Jonathan’s wife. Show her Christian Zionists are standing with her for Pollard’s release!