70% of Muslims Support Democrat Party, Pew Reports as Trump Calls for Ban on Entrance to US

By Christian Post— As GOP frontrunner Donald Trump stirred controversy this week by saying he would bar Muslims from entering the U.S., the Pew Research Center noted that a majority of American Muslims prefer the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. A growing percentage of American immigrants are Muslim — with their percentage doubling from…

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Fighter Jet: Is this the Spark that Ignites a Messianic War?

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Turkish military sources told the media that after issuing 10 warnings in five minutes, Turkish F-16’s opened fire, downing the Russian fighter jet. Photos of the incident clearly show two parachutes, indicating that the two pilots successfully ejected from the downed plane. One pilot is believed to have…


By Dan Wooding, Breaking Christian News— (United Kingdom)— Canon Andrew White, the UK-born Anglican priest who is affectionately known as “Vicar of Baghdad”, has dedicated his life to making peace. (Photo via ANS) For many years he headed St. George’s Church in Baghdad, located in one of Iraq’s deadliest sectors, he has watched hundreds from…

Mystical Rabbi Receives Frightening Prophetic Message About Jewish Blood Being Spilled in Israel

By: Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— In another of a series of prophetic-like transmissions, the soul of Rabbi Amram Vaknin, a 76-year-old Israeli mystic, communicated with Heaven after the Jewish Sabbath ended on October 10. The divine message warned of worse things to come in Israel and against the Jewish nation. Speaking to Breaking…

Why Is the World Turning a Blind Eye to the ‘Eradication’ of Christians in the Middle East?

By Samuel Smith, Christian Post— Christianity is being “wiped out” of its region of birth, said Cato Institute foreign policy expert Doug Bandow Tuesday during a Family Research Council discussion on the increase in Christian persecution in the Middle East and Africa, and he offered reasons why the international community has done little to save those…