At The Jerusalem Connection, we are committed to providing two weekly touchpoints with our friends and supporters. Our mission is to connect the story of Israel both ancient and modern through education, advocacy, and activism. One way we tell the story of modern Israel is through the weekly Red Alert, which Amy Zewe has been doing for almost fifteen years! Three years ago, I transitioned my Friday eNews videos into a Bible reading challenge and virtual study which we produce in the Bible Fiber podcast and newsletter. 

Will you consider joining our education effort by being a recognized sponsor of a weekly Bible Fiber or Red Alert for $76.00? Why are we asking for $76.00 per episode? Because Israel turns 76 on May 14, Israel’s Independence Day! 

Click Here to Sponsor a Bible Fiber episode.

Click Here to Sponsor a Red Alert. 

YouTube and podcasting are incredibly powerful tools for reaching new audiences and sharing meaningful content. Bible Fiber and the Red Alert have been gaining traction steadily. Despite our many years of making weekly content, we have never asked for donations specifically designated for the creation, production, and sharing of the Red Alerts and Bible Fibers. Nor have we bogged down the videos or podcasts with advertisements. The truth is that even though Amy and I do the writing, recording, and producing ourselves, there are still plenty of technology costs to complete the biweekly tasks. 
Each week, listeners tune in to hear Amy’s interviews with guests from Israel who can share firsthand with us their perspective of life in in Israel post-October 7. She has interviewed Sandy Shoshani, the head of Israel’s pro-life organization, Be’ad Chaim, and our ministry partner. She interviewed Shadi Khalloul twice. Shadi is a member of a small but formidable Israeli community known as the Aramean and Maronite Christians. Soon after October 7, she interviewed Rabbi Shmuel Bowman, head of Israel’s Operation Defensive Shield. Shmuel is responsible for building bomb shelters in Israel’s threatened communities in the south. Last week, Amy attempted to record a live interview with an IDF soldier in the field. Due to understandable poor connections and interruptions, the soldier sent a special recorded message for our audience, and it was powerful! 

When Bible Fiber first took on the challenge of working our way through the Twelve Minor Prophets, I did not realize how many hours per week it would take. Between the researching, writing, recording, and producing the podcasts, it has certainly been a six-day a week labor of love. In over 100 episodes over the course of three years, we have done a deep dive into the Minor Prophets, a monthlong minicourse on why prophecy ended, and then tackled the postexilic books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Then we did a minicourse on the Peoples of the Bible before launching into our first Major Prophet: Ezekiel. Bible Fiber’s quickest growing audiences are in Germany and Singapore! The first Bible Fiber book is coming out in May 2024!
By sponsoring an episode of Red Alert or Bible Fiber, you will be supporting our organization’s mission. You can sponsor an episode in your own name, as a supporter of Israel and the Jewish people during this difficult time. Or you can sponsor an episode in honor of someone else who also loves Israel and the Bible. Your sponsorship message will be prominently featured at the beginning the sponsored episode. With your support, we can continue to educate, advocate, and activate Christian support for Israel and the Jewish people.

If you would like to sponsor more than one episode, please consider becoming a member of the Tikvah Club. In Hebrew, Tikvah means hope. For a donation of $250/month, we will recognize your sponsorship at the close of every Bible Fiber and Red Alert for the duration of your commitment.

Click here to donate monthly to Bible Fiber and Red Alert!

We truly believe that your support can make a significant difference in The Jerusalem Connection’s impact, and we are excited for our friends and supporters to play a part in the biweekly episodes.
The links above prompt you to:

•    Designate sponsorship: Red Alert or Bible Fiber.
•    Give your name as sponsor and write a one sentence sponsorship message, preferably a message of hope to the people of Israel during this difficult time.
•    Your email so we can alert you when the sponsored episode is available.

Am Israel Chai,
Shelley Neese
President, The Jerusalem Connection