Israeli Christian group publishes anti-BDS guide

By Breaking Israel News— The Christian Empowerment Council, an Israeli Christian group headed by Father Gabriel Naddaf, has released a new guide to help Christians better understand the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The 12-page guide—titled “Test The Spirits: A Christian Guide to the Anti-Israel Boycott Movement”—seeks to challenge Christian anti-Zionism “on an…

American evangelicals among Israel’s staunchest supporters

By Ahuva Balofsky, JPost— American evangelicals are among Israel’s staunchest supporters, a new survey by LifeWay Research shows. Most believe God has plans for the people of Israel, and many American preachers tell their congregants that Christians have an obligation to support the Jewish state. The Nashville-based research group conducted its study on American attitudes…

Pro-Israel caucus in US House of Representatives aims for Jerusalem recognition

By Gil Hoffman, Jpost— Allies of Israel in the U.S. House of Representatives submitted a bill Monday that would enable Congress to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on American documents. The bill calls for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. It would also challenge the recent Supreme Court decision that prevented Jerusalem, Israel…