Mystical Rabbi Receives Frightening Prophetic Message About Jewish Blood Being Spilled in Israel

By: Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— In another of a series of prophetic-like transmissions, the soul of Rabbi Amram Vaknin, a 76-year-old Israeli mystic, communicated with Heaven after the Jewish Sabbath ended on October 10. The divine message warned of worse things to come in Israel and against the Jewish nation. Speaking to Breaking…

Reconnecting with descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs— On Tuesday, 13 October 2015, the first ever official Knesset Caucus for the Reconnection with the Descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Communities (otherwise known as Bnei Anusim, Marranos and Conversos) will be held. Patio of the Inquisition – Portugal As a result of forced conversions, expulsions and persecution by…

URGENT! American presidential candidates Need to Know WHY it’s Futile and Deadly for Israel to Negotiate with Muslims: Theological, Cultural, and Empirical Reasons

By: Prof. Paul Eidelberg— Introduction In The Dream Palace of the Arabs, the renowned Lebanese-born scholar, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University, portrays the thoughts of the most prominent of literati of the Arab-Islamic world who sorrowfully behold the “death of Arab civilization.” He himself writes that “Arab society had run through most of its myths,…