Columnist Krauthammer: Obama’s remarks on Israel are ‘shameful’

By Erez Lin, Israel Hayom— U.S. President Obama is drawing moral equivalence between habitual Palestinian incitement to terrorism and “extremely infrequent” Israeli attacks, thus downplaying the severity of Palestinian actions, veteran Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer said Friday. Krauthammer’s statement came in response to Obama’s remarks Friday that “it is important for both Prime Minister…

In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to “Return to Jewish Roots”

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Last month, Breaking Israel News published a story about a pro-Israel rally in Warsaw, Poland. The ongoing story behind that rally is even more amazing, revealing a an inspirational story of how Polish Christians’ love for Israel grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust. The story begins with…

Head of Conference of Presidents: Anti-Semitism in the US on the rise

By Attila Somfalvi, Ynetnews— Three-quarters of American Jewish students say they witnessed or experienced anti-Semitism on a campus, American-Jewish leader Malcolm Hoenlein told Ynet on Wednesday. “It’s not Europe yet, but (anti-Semitism) is definitely on the rise,” said Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which is…