By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News—
Last month, Breaking Israel News published a story about a pro-Israel rally in Warsaw, Poland. The ongoing story behind that rally is even more amazing, revealing a an inspirational story of how Polish Christians’ love for Israel grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust.
The story begins with Edward Ćwierz, who helped found the Cenacle Church of Kielce in south central Poland in 1992. He is also a senior pastor of their sister-church, the Cenacle Tent of David in Warsaw, which organized the “March of Support for Israel” on January 10th. The march, intended to show support in the face of rising European anti-Semitism, was well-attended, with hundreds of Christians coming from all over Poland to show their support for Israel.
Ćwierz told Breaking Israel News that such a gathering would have been unheard of ten years ago, making him optimistic about the changing relations between Jews and Christians in Poland. Click here to read more…