Israel Hints It Carried Out Airstrike on Damascus Airport

By Israel Today— Israel’s Minister of Intelligence Israel Katz on Thursday strongly hinted that the Jewish state had carried out a large aerial strike on Damascus International Airport earlier in the day. Various regional and international media reported massive explosions on the outskirts of Syria’s main airport early Thursday morning. Hours later, Katz told Israel…

Clash of Israel and Amalek Replays as ISIS vs. Egypt on Identical Biblical Battlefield of Rephidim

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— The violent, ongoing conflict between Egypt and the Islamic State currently raging in the Sinai is a reenactment of the Biblical confrontation between Israel and Amalek, even taking place on the same battlefield, pointed out a military analyst who has turned to the Bible to make sense of…

Remarks by President Trump at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum National Days of Remembrance

United States Capitol Washington, D.C. 11:30 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. Friends, members of Congress, ambassadors, veterans, and, most especially, to the survivors here with us today, it’s an honor to join you on this very, very solemn occasion. I am deeply moved to stand before those who survived history’s…