Catholic Churches in Jerusalem Blame Israel for Muslim Violence, Deny Biblical Roots of Temple Mount

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Amid the intensifying battles surrounding the Temple Mount, the Catholic Church expressed its concerns in terms that placed the blame entirely on Israel while referring to the site exclusively by its Muslim name. One bishop stated in an interview on Vatican Radio that there has, in fact, been…

Temple Mount Attack Highlights Sharp Discord Between Israeli Muslims, Druze, Christians

By JNS— Last Friday’s deadly terror attack near the Temple Mount shows how Israel is at the forefront of the clash of civilizations between the Islamic world and the West—not only with the Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries, but also from within its own minority populations. In the attack, Arab terrorists from the northern Israeli…

Bracing for Temple Mount violence, Israel boosts security

By Lilach Shoval, Itsik Saban, Associated Press and Israel Hayom Staff— Following a security assessment Thursday morning, amid escalating tensions at the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem, the IDF decided to deploy five battalions comprising hundreds of soldiers to the area to brace for potential violence on Friday. The decision will be finalized following another situation…