Iran’s Palestinian Proxy: Jihad against Israel and America

By Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute— The Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second largest and hugely influential group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas, does not believe that the conflict with Israel is over Jerusalem, settlements, borders, checkpoints or Palestinian prisoners. Like Hamas, PIJ’s “logical intellectual vision considers all of Palestine still occupied from…

Report: Israeli fighter jets, refueling planes hold massive drill aimed at Tehran

By Times of Israel— Israeli fighter jets carried out a large drill over the Mediterranean that included practicing mid-air refueling, according to a report in a Saudi-run news outlet Thursday. The unverified report in London-based Elaph described air maneuvers on Thursday by “an unusually large” contingent of F-15, F-16 and F-35 fighter craft, as well…

Israeli-led resolution combating Holocaust denial receives overwhelming support at UN

BY Mike Wagenheim, Jewish News Syndicate— The first time, it was about remembrance. This time, it’s about preserving those memories. On Thursday, an Israeli-led resolution calling for a clear definition of Holocaust denial and concrete steps to fight it, passed the U.N. General Assembly by consensus. A total of 114 countries joined in as co-sponsors,…

Lapid talks with Turkish FM, in first acknowledged call in 13 years

By Times of Israel— Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke Thursday by phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, amid an apparent thaw in relations between Jerusalem and Ankara. According to Lapid’s office, Cavusoglu called to inquire about the foreign minister’s health following his COVID-19 diagnosis. The phone call was the first between Israeli and Turkish…